Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Attn : I REALLY need some followers so 'follow' my blog!!!!!! =.= I NEED SOME FOLLOWERS AND HELP, Can someone teach me how to change my background blog in sth nicer or by using your own background which was saved???~~~HELP,S.O.S!!!!!!!~~~ BTW,i have just changed some songs in my music box,so do lisiten carefully!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Here are some pics which were taken in MindChamps(MC)!!!!!

Note : This few pics are full of my friends and trainers!


Yay!!! I'm finally back home!.....

Phew,what a busy day 4 me(Well not only 2day also the last few months or years...)! I have just came back from my tution,MindChamps. Now,i'm soo tired that i just can't even move! Anyway,here are some pic that i had enjoy in my tution.When u see those,U will understand even better......

I got bad news and good news.......

I'm now feeling low cause my father had just lost a job....(stupid boss!)I really wish i could help him but I can't...You know....But i got good news. IT S THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!But very soon it is ending....(sigh) Oh ya! I almost forgot.My close friend,Kartika,left Singapore 4 Indonesia...She left on Sat,13 June 4 the 5 o'clock flight.She called me to say 'good-bye' and when i was talking to her,i could feel that she does not want go,she's emotional(well,same as me....)Best wishes 4 her! Bon Voyage!!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

More music is coming your way!

Ohno! Not again. Mixpod is down 4 maintence.But never mind and don't worry,i will surely put up some music to SPICE up my blog! So,stay tune!!! :)

Here are some images from Boy Over Flower

Boy Over Flowers ROCKS!!!!

The korean drama, Boys Over Flowers(꽃보다 남자 ) , is the BEST drama I ever seen! With beautiful Sceneries from all over the world,this is the drama you would want to watch. If u want to check it out,go to Well,enjoy!

Hi Guys!

Hi Guys! I'm Little Angel here. Need any help with something,just tell me,I will alwasy be here!!!