Wednesday, December 12, 2012

#282 ; Memories 12-12-12

"Holds no meaning for me."

How's your day going for 12-12-12?
I'm just being a # foreveralone girl spending her time 
today on work and gaming, HAHA.

Nah, I'm just kidding.
No seriously, I did went to work and game the whole day today..

Perhaps I'll just use this day, use this post to thank someone that 
I knew less than 3 years
but felt like it's been a long time.

This particular dude is going NS sooon!
HAHA finally, 
becoming a real man.

Somehow, I was kanda there to listen his bullshits
while he went through some tough relationship problems.
His breakups, etc.
I'm happy to say that he is really going stronger
now in a new relationship.

Last long ya, bytch! ; )

And recently we went out for a outing with him along with
Thaddeus, Hannah and Yutian.

Yup, with this few old good online mates.

Went for steamboat at Chinatown and stayed overnight
at Jon's place.

Had Mac breakfast in the morning and home sweet home.

which outing does not have any one NOT teasing me ) :

Those arseholes, LOL.

Had a blast that weekend.
Thank for everything.

Though you may not be a very very perfect person,
at least I did really found something in you that I can
have you as a trust-worthy friend.

Try to enjoy your enlistment, HAHA.I don't know what will happen in 2 years time but I'll haveyou in my memories.

Jonathan Lee.